On this page you will find most of the information that you might need to get an overview of what INIT has to offer and asks from corporations in return.
Should you still have questions that are not covered in this article, feel free to reach out to any of our HR team members.
Here is a table of our HR team members in case that you need to contact any of us.
Name | Role | Discord |
Wyk Bathana | Alliance Leadership & HR Team | wykbathana |
Phoebe Inkunen | HR Team | faky91 |
WakingTea | INIT Alliance Deputy (2IC) | wakingtea |
Corporations that want to be a part of The Initiative. will have to go through a trial period in our alliance.
During this trial period we can monitor new joiners and make sure that they meet our activity requirements and are a good cultural fit.
Corps that are part of this trial are not treated like second class citizen. They are a full member of the INIT family and as such have the same level of access to everything.
The only points that really differentiates a full member corp and a corp still in trial is the rule regarding structure drops in Fountain and that trial CEOs do not have access to the CEO Discord channel.
The duration of the trial period will depend on your corp’s activity.
We are giving you 6 months to meet our activity requirements for 3 consecutive months.
So the trial period could last anywhere from 3 months up to 8 months (if you reach the needed activity in month 6 you will be given the chance to maintain that activity in month 7 etc.).
If you manage to keep your activity above the threshold for 3 consecutive months you will become a full member corp of the alliance.
Should you fail in delivering the required activity in that timeframe we will sit together to discuss options.
If your corp is fairly new and your killboard does not allow us to get a good picture of your corp’s activity, we might treat your trial period differently.
Instead of giving you 6 months to meet our activity requirements we will rather go for a 3 month trial. This means that if you do not perform during these first 3 months we will end your trial period and ask you to leave. It will be shared with you during the recruitment talks if this clause is going to be applied to your corp.
Your alliance membership may be terminated immediately and without prior notice by the alliance leadership. For this to happen your corp has to screw up majorly.
We use a system called Fleet Activity Tracking (FAT). People who participate in an eligable fleet will get one FAT per hour for every character that they have in fleet.
Example: You participate with 2 characters in a fleet that gets a total of 2 FATs because the fleet lasted 2 hours. You will in return get 4 FATs (2 Characters * 2 FATs).
Our current requirement for corps is 10 mains with 5 FATs / 90 days.
Capital ships are important to have for several reasons. One of them is that a well rounded capital fleet is key to be able to secure our space.
Another reason is that we go on deployments frequently, and having a capital pilot enables to move your own subcaps in bulk, reducing the time and effort to move deployments.
So with this in mind: All pilots with over 35 million SP are expected to have at least 1 capital trained character or be actively training towards a capital character. This can be on your main, or an alt (alts preferred). If you already have a capital trained pilot, training additional capital pilots is highly encouraged.
We ask all our members to have a mandatory Ghost alt.
This is a Caldari character that is specificly trained into T1 ships and will be used for home defense or offensive operations while our main forces are deployed.
A Ghost alt should be on a seperate alpha account - omega status is not required but is certainly appreciated!
Further information can be found here.
A set of rules is in place that regulate market operations, dictate behaviour in PvE and PvP, but at the end of the day the only real rule is: No Drama.
We have a zero tolerance policy for sexism, racism, homophobia and any other kind of hateful behaviour.
Our goal is to keep our policies as minimal as possible because nobody wants to start rule lawyering.
If you do something wrong, we will notify you about it. If you keep doing it wrong, we will take action.
Our Alliance is home to the Devs behind Alliance Auth. So naturally we are using Auth to manage pretty much everything.
Apart from Auth we use Mumble, Discord and have a very well maintained Wiki (you are currently on it).
To gain full access to our IT services we require our members to add all their characters to the Audit section of Auth.
Auditing a character asks for the following ESI scopes.
The Initiative’s home region is Fountain with our current main staging system being C-N4OD https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Fountain/C-N4OD
We have a very well stocked market. A part of our alliance income comes from the market in our staging system, which is driven by asking members to use the market as much as possible.
We do have a Discord channel that pings people when nationalized high value moons come out.
All high value moons in Fountain are nationalized (free for all members) with the following tax rates.
Rarity | Tax Rate |
R64 | 30% |
R32 | 10% |
R16 | 2% |
R8 | 2% |
R4 | 2% |
Non-high value moons (largely r32 and below) can be rented.
Taxes are automatically calculated twice per month via our Auth.
Type | Tax Rate |
Bounty Tax | 5% |
Refining Tax | 4% |
Industry Tax | 2.5% |
Market Tax | 1.5% |
PI Tax | 3% (1% on Barren/Temperate in one system per constellation) |
Corporation Office Fee | 20m |
Jumpe Gate Fee | 150 ISK / LO |
Corporation Member Fee | free |
Jump Clones | free |
Our space is free for all.
So even though you have a structure in a system, all other members of the alliance are allowed to do as they please in said system as long as they follow the alliance rules.
We assign corps a system based on where they would like to be - so you request a system and we see what we can do.
Corps can drop any industry structures they want - we limit citadels to largely 1 per system (unless there is good reason for two).
Corps are charged 100M / industry structure payable twice a month (50M / invoice)
No citadel fees
So in short: corps that are still in their trial period are not allowed to drop corp structures.
Once your trial period is over and you are a full member you are more than welcome to drop structures as outlined above.
In the meantime please feel free to use our already existing infrastructure.