All access to INIT. services is controlled by Auth.
- Browse to Auth.
- Log in with your main Eve Online account, select your main character and authorize. You should now be on the dashboard.
- Once your main character is added, browse to Character Audit.
- Click
Add Character
at the top right of your screen. Login with your main Eve Account and select your main character again.

- To add another character you can click on
Add character
- Repeat the previous step until all of your characters are added.
- Don’t forget to setup your Ghost alt and add the character token for your Ghost aswell.
- You are finished once you have added all of your characters and they all have a green background color / outline on the Character Audit Page.
Should one of the characters not turn green, add the character again please.
Changing your Main Character may result in a reset of any applied secure groups and security status.
Changing your password for the EVE Online account associated with your Main Character may result in a temporary loss of any applied secure groups and security status.
This Wiki is our primary repository for static information. The Wiki serves as point of Truth for INIT. Rules as well as current stagings and deployments.
To be able to see non-public Wiki pages you will need to log into the Wiki with an account known to the Alliance Auth. Follow these steps to do so:
- Browse to Auth.
- Go to the Services.
- Look for the row that says “Wiki JS” and click on the green button saying “Login with Auth” to the left of it.

- You should now be logged into our Wiki and are ready to browse non-public pages.